Friday, November 16, 2007

Best Friends

Well it has been quite awhile since last contributing to this blog.......sorry, I will try and keep updating as time allows. The season is whirling in with high winds and possible frost on the pumpkins soon here at Wilshire Farms. The last of the leaves are hanging on to the trees with tight death grips! That is what my life seems like sometimes.....hanging on with a death grip until your knuckles turn white!! Those times are when God draws nearer though......and provides some of His sweetest blessings! Best Friends!!!
Maxine is a beautiful jewel from God. She is a prayer warior, women of Faith, owned and operated a thriving antique business in Colorado, obtained 5 college degrees, practiced nursing for several years, worked for a Deputy Sheriff, earned her chaplain degree in the Baptist church, and now serves as one of my best friends in the whole wide world!
Have you ever wished for someone you could tell your secrets to, who would listen and love you no matter what? Laugh with and be silly! Study the bible with and lean on their wisdom and discernment? Call up with tears and troubles and know they would drop everything to listen to you? That is what she is to me! She is my true beautiful jewel from God.
We volunteer together at the hospital, enjoy a red hat party once in awhile, work alongside each other in our Eph. bible study, and share our hearts in prayer. When sometimes God takes your favorite people away, He is faithful and just to "replace" them in your life if you just look. We serve a thoughtful and considerate God, who works all things out for us! Thank you Lord!! But, most of all thank you for sending to me, Maxine!!!!

1 comment:

Heidi McKee said...

That's awesome! However, you look soooo young there (with all those "white heads") :)! Who wouldn't want to be best friends with you?